Is There an App for my Mobile Device?
Our Portal product has been strategically designed as a progressive web-app (PWA), which means it will work in any browser on your mobile device without you having to download anything. To access HealthHive Portal simply go to your favorite web browser (Chrome works best!) on your mobile device and visit
Can I Get Alerts to my Mobile Device?
Absolutely, Portal allows for you to receive text notifications to the Mobile device of your choosing.
1. Go to your Settings page.
2. Make sure your Mobile Number is populated.
3. Scroll to the Text Notifications section.
4. Select the toggle next to the notifications you'd like to complete.
Can I Add A Shortcut to HealthHive to My Home Screen?
To help you get to HealthHive quickly you can add a shortcut on to your mobile device's Home Screen.
1. On your mobile device use the browser of your choice go to
2. Swipe up from the bottom of your screen to pull up your control center.
3. Scroll towards the bottom and select Add to Home Page.
4. Enter the name you'd like to see.
5. Click Add at the top right, and review your work!
Can I Do Everything on My Mobile Device?
With one exception all features will be available to you from your mobile device. Unfortunately due to the complexity and data needed for Base and Assign Protocols we are unable to offer it for Mobile at this time.