Everything is better with friends. That's why HealthHive wants you to invite as many Members into your Hive as you'd like. The best part? Using our specific permission settings you can choose what access to your Hive and records you'd like the Members to have.
How To Invite A Member
1. Select the round, blue Add button from your Menu Bar
2. Select Team
3. Select Member
4. Enter your new Member's details
5. Set your new Member's Permission Level
6. Select Save
How Will I Know When A New Member Has Accepted My Invite?
You can check on the status of your new Members' status in the Member section of your account. Newly invited members will show in the Pending Invite section. Once their invitation has been accepted they will move up to the Members section.
Who Can Invite a Member
Anyone with Owner, Co-Owner, or All-Access permission can invite a Member to a Hive.