Viewing Records
Within a Hive, records are split into multiple categories for easier navigation. To see the main category page select Records from the main menu.
This will take you to the main index page from which you can select the category you would like to browse. Categories that are greyed out indicate that there are no records present.
Once you select the category you'd like you can navigate through all the records you have access to.
Downloading Records
Records with attachments that can be downloaded are indicated by a paperclip icon along with a number that indicates the number of attachments. Once you open the record you will see an image of the attachment you can select. This may look different for different record types.
Once you have opened the preview of the attachment (which will open in another tab on desktop) you will see a selection of controls. These may vary depending on your browser, however, either of these two icons will work to download your attachment. If for some reason the preview of your record does not show, either of these buttons will still download your file.